Spoken English
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Spoken English
“During a discussion, may be official, business, or informal, I have a lot of innovative and interesting ideas to share. Usually, I remain silent as I have no confidence in my communication skills.”
“I am highly educated and hold a challenging position, but I withdraw into myself as I can’t speak English fluently.”
“I am a fresh graduate looking for a job, but not confident enough to communicate effectively in an interview.”
“I am a homemaker living in an English speaking country and ashamed to present myself before others as I can’t speak English fluently.”
“I know some English, but I am afraid of speaking.” “I can write good English, but struggle when it comes to speaking.”
These are the comments usually made by people from various spans of life.
Do non-native speakers of English need training and practice in Spoken English? A big ‘yes’ will be the answer. The natural way of learning a language is as little children do. They listen and imitate.
Tutorwaves recreates this situation in the online classroom by providing lessons on reading, listening, and speaking.
Beginners will be given the basics of Spoken English through simple phrases and expressions. This session helps you to escape from the translation method that many have been using to communicate in English. You will have drilling and role play to ask questions and frame answers, basic grammar and correct pronunciation.
Meeting someone you know
A: Hi. Tom. How are you today?
B: Not bad, thanks. How about you?
A: Great, thanks.
B: So, where are you heading?
A: To college, as usual. I’m already late. See you later, Tom.
B: Take care. Bye bye.
This session focuses on practicing key phrases and sentences for different situations that are used in everyday life. This will help you to confidently communicate with anyone in any scenario.
Advanced level learners need a strong vocabulary that suits their level, profession or purpose. Just memorizing words with meaning will not help you to gain an advanced level vocabulary. We have customized ways for different levels.