- Description
- Curriculum

The World of Physics
i) Physics and Matter |
ii) Physics and other fields. |
iii) Models, Theories and Laws. |
You don’t walk into a shop and ask for 2 sugars, 1 milk and 5 cloth; rather you’d ask for 2kg sugar, 1liter milk and 5m of cloth. The terms ‘kg’, ‘liter’ and ‘meter’ are called units. Units are the factors which give you an idea of ‘quantity’ in the world of measurement. Imagine living in an era where the King’s ‘foot’ or ‘elbow length’ is the basic unit of measurement. If the heir to the throne has a bigger or smaller foot, measurements would have to be changed. This calls for a system of measurement accepted by all. Study about the internationally and locally recognized units and unit systems.
i) Units and Unit Systems |
ii) Converting Units |
Basics of Kinematics
i) Defining Kinematics |
ii) Reference, Frames and Displacement |
iii) Scalars and Vectors |
i) Average Velocity-the p-t graph |
ii) Instantaneous Velocity – the v-t graph |
Acceleration is ‘speeding up’ and ‘slowing down’. It is the change in velocity over the change in time.
i) Graphical Interpretation |
ii) Motion with Constant Acceleration |
i) Applications |
ii) Motion Diagrams |
Free fall is the motion of a body where its weight is the only force acting on it. We always wonder whether heavy objects fall down faster than lighter objects. Well the answer is ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. This lesson will help you find out ‘how’ and ‘why’.
i) Free Fall Motion |
ii) Representing Free-Fall by Graphs |
Consider an airplane that is flying northwest from Dallas to Seattle. In this case, the displacement of the plane has two components – a component in the northward direction and a component in the westward direction. In simple terms, we can say that the motion of the plane has two dimensions.
i) Constant Velocity and |
ii) Constant Acceleration |
Vectors are quantities that include both magnitude and direction. When you say that the distance between home and school is 4km, you do not specify the direction. On the other hand when you are referring to the shortest distance between home and school, it has a specific direction. Here ‘distance’ is called ‘displacement’ and it is a vector quantity.
i) Components of Vectors |
ii) Scalars vs. Vectors |
iii) Adding and Subtracting Vectors Graphically and Using Components |
iv) Unit Vectors and Multiplying by a Scalar |
v) Position, Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration as Vectors |
Projectile Motion is a form of motion where an object moves along a parabolic path and the path that the object follows is called its trajectory.
i) Basic Equations and Parabolic Path |
ii) Solving Problems |
iii) Zero Launch and General Launch Angles |
iv) Key Points-Range, Symmetry, Maximum Height |
Relative Velocity explains the velocity of an object with relation to the motion of another object.
i)Relative Velocity |
ii) Riverboat Problems |
The Laws of Motion
i) Newton and His Laws |
i) Force |
ii) Mass |
When a moving car stops suddenly, we tend to jerk forward. When it starts moving again, it feels as though we are being pulled forward. In the first case, our body tends to keep on moving even after the car has stopped; whereas in the second situation, we tend to remain at rest and hence the car pulls us along as it moves forward. Learning Newton’s laws will help us understand why this happens.
i) The First Law: Inertia |
ii) The Second Law: Force and Acceleration |
iii) The Third Law: Symmetry in Forces |
Forces act in a particular direction and have sizes depending on how strong the push or pull is.
i) Forces in Two Dimensions
There are many different types of forces, and many things that can cause forces.
i) Weight |
ii) Friction, Drag and Deformation |
iii) Kinetic and Static Friction |
iv) Stress and Strain |
v) Translational Equilibrium |
vi) Connected Objects |
vii) Circular Motion |
The objective of this section is to transform you from a novice to an expert in the subject. Problem solving becomes easy when you can connect the question to other similar situations.
i) Basic Techniques |
ii) Friction and Inclines |
Uniform Circular Motion and Gravitation
i) Kinematics of UCM |
ii) Dynamics of UCM |
iii) Banked and Unbanked Highway curves |
Unlike a Giant wheel, a Roller Coaster exhibits circular movement that is not uniform. The velocity of the coaster keeps changing – it is slower as it moves up and faster as it comes down.
i) Radial and Tangential Acceleration
Velocity is the speed of an object with respect to its direction. A time – related change in velocity is referred to as acceleration. Acceleration occurs due to the action of unbalanced forces.
i) Rotational Angle and Angular Velocity |
ii) Centripetal Acceleration |
iii) Centripetal Force |
The elements of nature exert force. The wind, the waves, the force of gravity etc. are examples
i) Tides |
ii) The Coriolis Force |
iii) Geophysical Applications |
Gravity is the force by which objects attract each other. Newton observed that gravity applies to any object anywhere in space. Learn more about gravitation in this lesson.
i) The Law of Universal Gravitation |
ii) Gravitational Attraction of Spherical Bodies |
iii) Weight of the Earth |
What we learn today about the solar system and the movement of the planets is based on the laws formulated by Johannes Kepler, a German mathematician and astronomer.
i) Kepler’s Three Laws |
ii) Orbital Maneuvers |
iii) Satellites |
The potential energy that you get while defying/moving against gravitational energy is referred to as Gravitational Potential Energy. It increases as you move higher up in altitude.
i) Gravitational Energy |
ii) Escape Speed |
iii) Angular and Linear Quantities |
Work and Energy
i) Introduction to Work and Energy |
ii) Work Done by a Constant Force |
iii) Work Done by a Variable Force |
iv) Work Energy Theorem |
Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It is either transferred from one thing to another or transformed into another type of energy.
i) Conservative and Nonconservative Forces |
ii) Potential Energy and Gravity |
iii) Springs |
iv) Conservation of Mechanical Energy |
v) Problem Solving |
If energy is the ability to do work, power is the quantity of work done in a given period of time.
i) Power |
ii) Work, Energy and Power |
iii) World Energy Use |
iv) Other Forms of Energy |
v) Energy Transformations |
vi) Potential Energy Curves and Equipotentials |
Linear Momentum and Collisions
i) Linear Momentum |
ii) Momentum, Force and Newton’s Second Law |
iii) Impulse |
iv) Internal vs. External Forces |
A collision is an event in which two or more bodies exert forces on each other for a relatively short period of time.
i) Glancing Collisions |
ii) Elastic Collisions in One and Multiple Dimensions |
iii) Inelastic Collisions in One and Multiple Dimensions |
Thinking of rockets takes you into another world – Space. Ever wondered how rockets get there and why some fail to. Come, let’s learn Rocket Science.
i) Rocket Propulsion, Changing Mass and Momentum
The center of mass is the point where all of the mass of the object is concentrated.
i) Center of Mass- Location and Motion |
ii) Center of Mass of the Human Body |
iii) Center of Mass and Translational Motion |
Static Equilibrium, Torque and Elasticity
i) Torque |
ii) Conditions of Equilibrium |
iii) Stability, Balance and Center of Mass |
Problems are easy to solve. All you have to do is identify the variables and the principle behind.
i) Problem Solving Techniques |
Statics deals with the internal and external forces acting on rigid bodies that are at rest (zero velocity) or at a constant velocity.
i) Simple Machines |
ii) Arches and Domes |
iii) Muscles and Joints |
A Stress is a force that causes a Strain (deformity). Elasticity is a measure of how much an object can deform under a given stress
i) Elasticity, Stress and Strain |
ii) Fracture |
Try balancing a rod or a meter scale on the tip of your finger. The scale balances only at a particular point. This point is referred to as its Center of Gravity.
i) Center of Gravity |
i) Relationship between Torque and Angular Acceleration
Rotational Kinematics, Angular Momentum and Energy
i) Angular Position, Velocity and Acceleration |
ii) Rolling Without Slipping |
iii) Relationships between Linear and Rotational Quantities |
Dynamics explains the effect of forces on motion. During races we often see cars or bikes veering off the track. What happens?
i) Rotational Inertia |
ii) Rotational Kinetic Energy |
iii) Moment of Inertia |
Angular momentum is related to the rotation or revolution of matter. It measures the quantity of rotation with respect to the mass, rotation, motion and shape of matter.
i) Conservation of Angular Momentum |
ii) Rotational Collisions |
Rotation is a vector quantity as the direction keeps on changing. Try blowing on a pinwheel which is already in motion. What do you observe?
i) Angular Quantities as Vectors |
ii) Gyroscopes |
1) Problem Solving Techniques
i) Conservation of Energy in Rotational Motion
Rotational Kinematics, Angular Momentum and Energy
i) Phases of Matter |
ii) Fluids |
We all know how ‘Liquid Nitrogen’ was used to destroy the lizard in a Spiderman movie. At normal temperature and pressure Nitrogen is a gas but at high temperature, it changes into a liquid. All matter can move from one state to another. It may require extreme temperatures or extreme pressure, but it can be done.
i) Change of states of matter |
ii) Kinetic Theory of Matter |
These are properties that describe a substance – its appearance, color, density, odor, compressibility etc. In short, they are properties that can be observed and tested. They do not change the chemical nature of matter.
i) Color |
ii) Density |
iii) Malleability |
iv) Ductility |
v) Elasticity |
vi) Viscosity |
vii) Electrical and Thermal Conductivity |
viii) Magnetism |
ix) Melting Point |
x) Boiling Point |
xi) Freezing Point |
i) Surface Tension and Capillary Action |
ii) Flow Rate and the Equation of Continuity |
iii) Pressure |
iv) Pascal’s Principle |
v) Gauge Pressure, Atmospheric Pressure and Barometer |
vi) The Hydraulic Press |
vii) Pressure in the Body |
i) Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle |
ii) Complete Submersion and Flotation |
iii) Submarines and Blimps |
i) Length, Shape, Volume |
ii) Stress and Strain |
i) Biological and Medical Applications |
ii) Flow Rate and Velocity |
iii) Poiseuille’s Equation and Viscosity |
iv) Blood Flow |
i) Application of Bernoulli’s Equation- Pressure and Speed |
ii) Torricelli’s Law |
iii) Surface Tension |
i) Turbulence |
ii) Motion of an Object in a Viscous Fluid |
iii) Molecular Transport Phenomena |
iv) Pumps and the Heart |
Temperature and Kinetic Theory
i) Kinetic Theory of Gases |
ii) Atomic Theory of Matter |
The measure of heat in the body is referred to as its temperature. Different scales are used for the measurement of temperature across the globe.
i) Celsius Scale |
ii) Fahrenheit Scale |
iii) Absolute Zero |
iv) Kelvin Scale |
i) Linear, Area and Volume Expansions |
ii) Special Properties of Water |
An ideal state of a gas in one where it is believed to be unaffected by real world conditions. Such a state helps to study better the behavior of gases with change in temperature or pressure.
i) Equations of State |
ii) Isotherms |
iii) Constant Pressure |
iv) Problem Solving |
v) Avogadro’s Number |
vi) Absolute Temperature |
i) Pressure and Temperature |
ii) Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution |
iii) Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas |
i) Phase Changes and Energy Conservation |
ii) Humidity, Evaporation and Boiling |
Heat and Heat Transfer
i) Heat and Internal Energy |
ii) Heat as Energy Transfer |
iii) Heat Capacity and Specific Heat |
iv) Calorimetry |
v) Specific Heat for an Ideal Gas at Constant Pressure and Volume |
vi) Solving Problems in Calorimetry |
vii) Phase Change and Latent Heat |
viii) Phase Equilibrium and Evaporation |
When you touch something hot, you feel the heat because you touch it. So here heat is transferred by direct contact. Ever watched water boiling? The boiling starts at the bottom of the vessel and moves throughout the liquid. So, heat is transferred through movement. There is yet another type of heat transfer through air or space. Stand near a fire and you feel the heat. The fire doesn’t touch you nor move towards you but you still feel the heat. Learn more about the transfer of heat.
i) Conduction |
ii) Convection |
iii) Radiation |
i) Greenhouse Gases |
ii) Global Warming and its Effects |
i) The Zeroth Law |
i) The First Law |
ii) Isobaric and Isochoric Processes |
iii) Isothermic and Adiabatic Processes |
v) The Second Law |
vi) Heat Engines and the Carnot Cycle |
vii) Heat Pumps and Refrigerators |
viii) The Third Law |
ix) Adiabatic Processes |
i) Entropy-a Statistical Interpretation |
ii) Order to Disorder and Heat Death |
iii) Entropy and Living Systems |
iv) Thermal Pollution |
i) Greenhouse Gases |
ii) Global Warming and its Effects |
Waves and Vibrations
i) Hooke’s Law of Elasticity |
ii) Elastic Potential Energy |
i) Period and Frequency |
ii) Period of a Mass on a Spring |
iii) Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion |
iv) The Simple Pendulum and the Physical Pendulum |
v) Simple Harmonic Oscillators |
vi) Damped Harmonic Motion |
vii) Driven Oscillators and Resonance |
i) Transverse and Longitudinal Waves |
ii) Water Waves |
iii) Wavelength, Frequency and Energy Transportation |
i) Reflection and Transmission |
ii) Superposition and Interference |
iii) Standing Waves, Resonance and Harmonic Wave Functions |
iv) Refraction and Diffraction |
v) Energy, Intensity, Frequency and Amplitude |
i) The Speed of a Wave on a String |
ii) Reflections |
i) Electric Charge in the Atom |
ii) Properties of Electric Charges |
iii) Polarization |
iv) Static Electricity and Conservation of Charge |
v) Conductors and Insulators |
vi) The Millikan Oil drop Experiment |
vii) Electrostatic Shielding |
viii) Induced Charge |
i) Superposition of Forces |
ii) Spherical Distribution of Charges |
iii) Solving Problems with Vectors and Coulomb’s Law |
i) Electric Field from a Point Charge |
ii) Superposition of Fields |
iii) Electric Field Lines: Multiple Charges |
iv) Parallel Plate Capacitor |
v) Electric Fields and Conductors |
vi) Conductors and Fields in Static Equilibrium |
vii) Electric Flux |
viii) Gauss Law |
i) Photocopy Machines and Printers |
ii) Van der Graff Generators |
Electric Potential and Electric Field
i) Relation between Electric Potential and Field |
ii) Electric Potential Energy and Potential Difference |
iii) Electric Field and Changing Electric Potential |
iv) Potentials and Charged Conductors |
v) Uniform Electric Field |
vi) The Electron-Volt |
vii) Dipole Moments |
viii) Ideal Conductors |
ix) Equipotential Lines |
x) Electric Potential due to a Point Charge |
xi) Superposition of Electric Potential |
i) Capacitance |
ii) Capacitors with Dielectrics |
iii) Parallel Plate Capacitor |
iv) Combinations of Capacitors: Series and Parallel |
v) Dielectrics and their Breakdown |
i) Cathode Ray Tube |
ii) TV and Computer Monitor |
iii) Oscilloscope |
Current Electricity
i) The Battery |
ii) Current and Voltage Measurements in Circuits |
ii) Drift Speed – A Microscopic View |
i) Ohm’s Law |
ii) Temperature and Superconductivity |
iii) Resistance and Resistivity |
iv) Dependence of Resistance on Temperature |
v) Energy Usage |
i) Different Types of Current |
ii) Sources of EMF |
i) Phasors |
ii) Root Mean Square Values |
iii) Safety Precautions in Households |
i) Resistors in Series |
ii) Resistors in Parallel |
iii) Combination Circuits |
iv) Charging a Battery: EMFs in Series and Parallel |
v) EMF and Terminal Voltage |
i) Introduction and Importance |
ii)The Junction Rule |
iii)The Loop Rule |
iv)Applications |
i)Voltmeters and Ammeters |
ii) Null Measurements |
i) Resistors and Capacitors in Series |
ii) Impedance |
iii) Phase Angle and Power Factor |
i) Humans and Electric Hazards |
ii) Nerve Conduction and Electrocardiograms |
iii) The Pacemaker |
i) Electric Current and Magnetic Fields |
ii) Permanent Magnets |
iii) Magnetic Field Lines |
iv) Geomagnetism |
i) Ferro magnets |
ii)Electromagnets |
i) Magnitude of the Magnetic Force |
ii) The Right Hand Rule |
i) Electric vs. Magnetic Forces |
ii) Constant Velocity Produces a Straight Line |
iii) Circular Motion |
iv) Helical Motion |
v) Examples and Applications |
vi) The Hall Effect |
vii) Magnetic Force on a Current Carrying Conductor |
viii) Torque on a Current Loop: Rectangular and General |
ix) Ampere’s Law: Magnetic Field due to a Long Straight Wire |
x) Magnetic Force between Two Parallel Conductors |
i) Mass Spectrometer |
ii) Ferromagnetism |
iii) Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism |
iv) Solenoids, Current Loops and Electromagnets |
i) Induced EMF and Magnetic Flux |
ii) Faraday’s Law of Induction and Lenz Law |
iii) Motional EMF |
iv) Back EMF, Eddy Currents and Magnetic Dumping |
v) Changing Magnetic Flux Produces an Electric Field |
vi) Electric Generators |
vii) Electric Motors |
viii)Inductance |
ix) A Quantitative Interpretation of Motional EMF |
x) Mechanical Work and Electrical Energy |
xi) Energy in a Magnetic Field |
xii) Transformers |
i) Inductance |
ii) RL Circuits |
iii) RLC Series Circuits and Phasor Diagram |
iv) Resistors in AC Circuits |
v) Capacitors in AC Circuits |
vi) Inductors in AC Circuits |
vii) Resonance in RLC Circuits |
viii) Power |
i) Sound Systems, Computer Memory, Seismograph, GFCI |
ii) Antennae |
i) Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field |
ii)Maxwell’s Predictions and Hertz Confirmation |
Electromagnetic Waves
i)Radio Waves |
ii) Microwaves |
iii) Infrared Waves |
iv) Visible Light |
v) Ultraviolet Light |
vi) X-Rays |
vii) Gamma Rays |
i) Maxwell’s Equations |
ii) The Production of Electromagnetic Waves |
iii) Energy and Momentum |
iv) The Speed of Light |
v) The Doppler Effect |
vi) Momentum Transfer and Radiation Pressure Atom |
i) Wireless Communication |
ii) EM in the Medical World |
iii) Media |
i) Properties of Light as a Wave |
ii) Electromagnetic Spectrum |
i) The Law of Reflection and its Consequences |
ii) The Law of Refraction: Snell’s Law and the Index of Refraction |
iii) Total Internal Reflection and Fiber Optics |
iv) Total Polarization |
v) Dispersion : Rainbows and Prisms |
i) Thin Lenses and Ray Tracing |
ii) The Thin Lens Equation and Magnification |
iii) Combination of Lenses |
iv) The Lens makers Equation |
v) Refraction Through Lenses |
i) Image Reflection by a Plane Mirror |
ii) Image Formation by Spherical Mirrors: Reflection and Sign Conventions |
i) The Human Eye |
ii) Color Vision |
iii) Resolution of the Human Eye |
iv) Nearsightedness, Farsightedness and Vision Correction |
i) The Magnifying Glass |
ii) The Camera |
iii) The Compound Microscope |
iv) The Telescope |
v) X-Ray Diffraction, X-Ray Imaging and CT Scans |
vi) Special Microscopes and Contrast |
vii) Limits of Resolution and Circular Apertures |
viii) Aberrations |
i) Conditions for Wave Interference |
ii) Air Wedge |
iii) Newton’s Rings |
i) Enhancement of Microscopy |
ii) The Spectrometer |
iii) The Michelson Interferometer |
iv) LCDs |
v) Using Interference to Read CDs and DVDs |
Atomic Physics
i) The Parts of the Atom |
ii) Early Models of the Atom |
iii) The Thomson Model |
iv) The Rutherford Model |
v) The Bohr Model |
vi) Hydrogen Spectra |
vii) X-Ray Spectra |
viii) The Compton Effect |
ix) Multielectron Atoms |
x) Periodic Table |
xi) Electron Configurations |
i) Electron Microscopes |
ii) Lasers |
Spatial Relativity
i) Galilean-Newtonian Relativity |
ii) Einstein’s Postulates |
iii) The Speed of Light |
iv) Consequences of Special Relativity |
v) Relativistic Quantities |
vi) Matter and Antimatter |
vii) Shifting the Paradigm of Physics |
viii) Four-Dimensional Space-Time |
ix) The Relativistic Universe |
Quantum Physics
i) The Photoelectric Effect |
ii) Photon Energies of the EM Spectrum |
iii) Energy, Mass and Momentum of a Photon |
iv) Implications of Quantum Mechanics |
v) Particle-Wave Duality |
vi) The de Broglie Hypothesis and the Wave Nature of Matter |
vii) The Wave Function |
viii) The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle |
ix) Philosophical Implications |
i) Fluorescence and Phosphorescence |
ii) Lasers |
iii) Holography |
iv) Quantum-Mechanical View of Atoms |
v) Planck’s Quantum Hypothesis and Black Body Radiation |
Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity
i) Nuclear Size and Density |
ii) Nuclear Stability |
iii) Binding Energy and Nuclear Forces |
i) Natural Radioactivity |
ii) Radiation Detection |
iii) Radioactive Decay Series- Alpha, Beta and Gamma |
iv) Half-Life and Rate of Decay- Carbon-14 Dating |
v) Calculations Involving Half-life and Decay Rates |
vi) Quantum Tunnelling |
vii) Conservation of Nucleon Number and Other Laws |
i) Medical Imaging and Diagnostics |
ii) Dosimetry |
iii) Biological and Therapeutic Effects of Radiation |
iv) Radiation from Food |
v) Tracers |
vi) Nuclear Fusion |
vii) Nuclear Fission in Reactors |
viii) Emission Topography |
ix) Nuclear Weapons |
x) NMR and MRIs |
i) Satellites |
ii) Night and Day |
iii) Change of Seasons |
iv) Formation of Moon |
v) Phases of Moon |
vi) Solar Eclipse |
vii) Lunar Eclipse |
i) The Inner Planets and their Moons |
ii) Outer Planets and their Moons |
iii)Dwarf Planets |
i) Introduction |
ii) Types of Stars |
iii) Distance Between Stars |
iv) Star Formation |
v) Nebula and Gravity |
vi) Protostars |
vii) Composition of Stars |
viii) Continuous Spectrum |
ix) Emission Spectrum |
x) Identifying Elements in a Star |
i) Production of Light in the Star |
ii) Nuclear Fusion |
iii) Relationship Between Color and Temperature |
iv) Brightness of the Star |
v) Brightness and Distance |
vi) Apparent Magnitude |
vii) Absolute Magnitude |
i) H-R Diagram |
i) Life Cycle of Low Mass Stars |
ii) Red Giant |
iii) White Dwarf |
iv) Life Cycle of High Mass Stars |
v) Supernova |
vi) Neutron Stars |
vii) Black holes |
i)Star Clusters in Galaxies |
ii) Types of Galaxies |
iii) The Milky Way |
iv) Distance Between Galaxies |
v) Local Group |
vi) Super clusters |
i)Big Bang Theory |
ii) Formation of Galaxies |
iii) Dark Matter and Energy |