Programming Languages
- Description
- Curriculum

Programming languages
Computer science basics like:
- Computer coding concepts.
- Easy-to-learn and widely used programming languages – C & C++.
This program helps you to start thinking like a software engineer, solve problems of your interest and build a website using computer programming.
❖ C Programming
❖ C++ Programming
❖ Java
- Introduction
- The Loop control structures
- Case control structures
- Arrays, Structures, Strings
- Executing C Programs
- Project
What you gain:
- A thorough knowledge of the fundamentals of programming.
- Beginners who have never coded before, can learn C step by step.
- Learn the basics for all other languages.
- OOP concepts – encapsulation, data abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism
- Data Types, Variables-constant, static, read only
- Access specifier-private, protected, public
- Abstract class
- Interface
- Collection – hast table, map, vector, binary tree
- Multi-threading
- Memory Management
- Pointers-void, far, near, wild
- Virtual functions
- Marshalling
- TCP/IP client server connection
- Message passing, delegation, IPC
- File handling
- Memory management
- Error handling & exception handling
What you gain:
- You will be equipped with OOP concept and techniques in C++.
- Acquiring programming skills.
- Pre knowledge to excel in Java programming.
- Getting started with the Java technology
- Identifiers, Keywords, and Types
- Expressions and Flow Control
- Arrays
- Class Design
- Advance Class Features
- Exceptions and Assertions
- Text Based Applications
- Building Java GUI
- GUI Event Handling
- GUI Based Applications
- Advanced I/O Streams
- Networking
- Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
- Applets, Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP)
What you gain:
- Learn how to create an event-driven graphical user interface (GUI) using Abstract Window Toolkit &Swing components, including panels, buttons, labels, text fields etc.
- Implement error-handling techniques using exception handling.
- Learn more about arrays, Java flow control constructs, Java Database Connectivity & Text Based Applications.
Python, as a general-purpose programming language, is easy to use, versatile and powerful. It is an interpreted high-level language known for its code readability.
The designer Guido Van Rossum released the first version of Python in 1991. Since the release of Python 2.0 it has consistently ranked in the top ten most popular programming languages. Based on TIOBE Programming Community Index of February 2021, Python is the third most popular programming language after Java and C.
The beauty of the Python language that makes it one of the most accessible programming languages is that it has a simplified syntax, which gives more emphasis on natural language. Due to its ease of learning and usage, python codes can be easily written and executed much faster.