Excellent performance! Appreciate the efforts taken! More efforts needed! Keep it up! It is not too late to improve! Balance your efforts! These are the common report card comments we usually come across. Now it is high time to come out of these stock, general expressions applicable to any student. Our comments should be supportive and provide parents with ways to partner with us to make students feel empowered to do better.
When writing report card comments, focus on the student’s existing strengths, and look for ways to motivate the student to improve in areas of weakness by providing guidelines. It is highly important to tailor our comments appropriate to the performance of each specific student. They should instil ambition within students and motivate them to make positive changes. Provide specific examples, tailored to the subject and the student, in order to make comments more personal.
Give more stress on the positive attributes of the students. Recognize areas in which they truly excel, and provide information not only on areas that need more focus, but how the student can improve in those areas. It is important to emphasize what students do well so that the parents and students can build from those strengths. Negative adjectives can be reworked to suggest strengths. Never fail to recognize and appreciate the special or notable skills the student possesses.
Introduce areas that require improvement in a way that will not make parents or students feel like criticizing them unnecessarily. Stress the positive attributes and list the negatives with a headline, ‘goals to work on.’ Use words/phrases such as “requires,” “struggles,” “seldom” or ‘needs to’ to show when a student needs extra help. Provide parents with concrete, relevant examples of their child’s performance in and outside the class.
An effective report card is a document that should be easily understood by parents and students. It should contain straightforward information about what a student knows and how he/she can demonstrate related to the subject and what to do next. Ensure that the comments reported are accurate and reflective of the current level of the student’s learning. The report card should highlight the remedial actions that need to be taken by the student, parents, and teachers.
A report card is an opportunity to create a relationship between you and the family of the students. So when you write reports, see it as a chance to say things that are thoughtful, helpful, and honest. Write professionally, because that is what you are, or what you are conveying. Keep in mind the fact that even the most talented children do not benefit from empty praise that gives them no direction about how to progress.
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